From Amazon: This is an inspiring story of a son and his mother (who is dying from cancer) who start a book club that brings them together as her life comes to a close. Over the next two years they discuss an eclectic array of books and a shared passion for reading.
What a treasure this story was to read. Non-fiction at its finest. Yes, I knew that since the title included end of your life it would involve someone dying. Although that made the ending so sad, yet profound. To have found a connecting point later in life that allowed stories of the past to unfold in a way that appeared so much more meaningful than perhaps they could be been told otherwise.
I didn't go look for this book, it found me. At Half-Price Books, a new find for Ellie and I to spend our time. I was in the clearance section and it stood out from the shelf. I picked it up, read the cover and put it back. And then was compelled to take it off again and add it to my short stack.
I truly immersed myself in the book. The writing, the character development and the honest perspective of death and dying. But also in living. The part we get to choose. The living. Every family is different, yet we expect the ones written about to be perfectly put together reminiscent of the Laura Ingles Wilder stories. What most moved me was the description of time and how to decide how best to spend our time. Part in the giving and part in the receiving. I considered that for a long time - as I read and now as I continue to recall the lessons.
How to receive is likely more of an art than a science for most people. Since it's not something we practice it sneaks up on you how unskilled you are when you truly are the receiver. This story was a wonderful lesson in both. Will's story will stay with me for quite some time. And I continue to smile as I think back on how we get the choice how we live, and who we love along the way.
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