As I reflect back on how my 2022 reading year ended, I'm thrilled with the stack that arrived almost by happenstance. Several favorites were not purchased, they were gifted or shared as another's favorite read. I've come to treasure those most of all.
Nowadays we're gathered less frequently - and rarely press a book into another reader's hands - yet when one arrives by mail I'm just as thrilled and flattered to be the recipient of such a treasure.
Book recommendations are so meaningful, and appreciated. A good friend of mine owns an indie bookstore in Coeur d'Alene, ID and has shared I'd be a great 'hand seller' - one who listens and then finds just the right next read - handing it to them with care. That's how I envision it taking place.
This stack above were my favorite reads in 2022. Of course there were so many that didn't make the stack - and often because I listened on audio and don't own the physical book. And let's talk about audiobooks sometime ..
I hope that in January I will read a few I treasure and hold behind to gather for a stack at the end of 2023. One never knows where and when the next meaningful read will arrive!
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